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Hahahaha I'm glad you felt that way with my comment lol hope your year goes great as well!

Also, damn, I didn't realize you did all those voices yourself. That's one hell of a work! My most sincere congratulations on that too xD I really liked Snowe's femenine voice! I thougt the acting was quite good there, after all, Snowe is a cold onion lol

And yes, I did the femenine route because when I chose the male one the warning about voice acting  appeared so... yeah, felt like if there was a fully voiced route, I wanted that one xD

Again, so glad you received my comment with such joy, and thank you for your also kind words :P

Yeeeeah, but trust me, without the assistance from the AI dubbing over my original recordings, it would all sound awful xD I might be able to just about manage to get the delivery right the way I hear it in my head, but my voice is bland as hell x3 I wouldn’t even wanna include my original recordings for 1 character, let alone multiple, haha. I honestly don’t know how VAs out there can change their voice so much cos I sure as hell can’t! It’s a very impressive skill :3

Hehe, cold onion, love it xP

Yup, you’re like a ray of sunshine :D So I can only thank you again for your kindness!