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I liked the animations! (especially the bubbling vats of goo.  The drawing mechanic was also neat.

 Unfortunately i have a really really wide monitor which doesn't support full screened games very well. 

 I was a bit lost on what to do (i think some of the UI wasn't showing up due to my monitor).  The concept is neat though.  I'd love to try a web gl build if you get one up!

Ah that's a shame, none of us have ultrawide monitors so we wouldn't have been able to test that.

Unfortunately, I don't think we'll be able to get a WebGL build as we are using Compute Shaders for the goo mechanic, and WebGL does not support them (which is something we just decided to accept and to focus on making a playable, downloadable version).

Thanks for the comment!

After the jam, if you decided to update the game, you can go into the project settings and enabled "resize window".  This will allow users to force the game into a window from full screen and then resize it to fit their monitor.  This can cause weird issues with the UI however if it isn't designed to scale well (which typically is a bit of a problem with Unity I feel).  Just a little tip I figured out while play testing my games in the past.    I love my ultrawide for work, but it definitely causes issues with gaming at times (i run most of my games in a window lol).  

We'll probably do that, thanks for the tip!

No problem!  I ended up forcing my game to 850 x 850 because i wanted it to be square and feel more "constrictive" you are looking at everything in a petri dish under a microscope.  (though you can force full screen the game and then it kinda breaks lol).