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I cant download it! I am on linux mint and im lost

can't you use the Wine?

oh that exists i tried getting roblox on it and my computer hatted me for it V-V but yeah i could is there any tutorials on getting this on linux? if not i can wait till my gaming laptop is fixed :)

Same here.

yeah im internally suffering this game looks so good but i know im gonna get some nightmares

Sorry! I don't have access to linux or mac, so I'm not able to test this out. Ren'py (the program I made the game with) had the option to upload for windows/mac/linux so I did it, but I can't check it myself at the moment.

I searched around and saw this forum link about running Ren'py on linux mint:

Maybe it can help? I also saw this tutorial:

I hope this helps! Sorry again!

I will try it! i am excited to see the many endings mostly me wanting to make that cat pissed

My sister ( Mistyhitjsu ) is going to play soon, And im also on linux :) ty!