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Just completed the demo, i have to say that i love Art direction of the game. and soundtrack is lovely.  to me the Gameplay seems that it has a lot of potential, i loved the mechanics of the game so far. but i can see three things that need to be tweaked first: some animations felt too slow in my opinion it either needs to be a bit faster or you need to add more frames to it to feel smoother but that's just my opinion on this matter. second: the character is always facing down when you release the input key; be it pointing up,left or right. if that's 

intentional it's fine but to me it didn't feel right. third: when i first booted the game i didn't know what I'm suppose to do it took trail and error on my part to figure things out. but all n all its a very enjoyable experience and I hope to see more in the future.

good luck with the Jam.


We appreciate your feedback! These are all things we're looking at in moving forward with it from a quality-of-life perspective - for starters, polishing up animations (adding directional idle animations for sure) and some tooltips for getting the player started (the initial spacebar switch likely needs one).