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Well damn. I don't consider myself an expert game dev but I know enough to know how much work must have gone into these systems. I love the take on zombies, not sure I've ever seen a zombie game like that, really cool.

There were two things that stood out in terms of notes:

  • I had a torrid time dragging objects around (not sure if skill issue on my part)
  • The day/night cycle felt a little unneccesary but that might change with more development.

Overall this was a really solid concept/execution. Oh and, random thing, the menus feel really satisfying to use lol.


I am very glad you liked it! once I started with the sound fx I didnt want to stop. so the fact that you liked the menu means a lot!

as far as the physics dragging, I had to tune it down and add some limits to it, otherwise it was super overpowered. because of this, I may have over-limited it. thank you for the feedback and kind words!