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First reaction when playing the tutorial, this game is going to be a blast! Ha.

Here were my notes that I jotted down:

  • Game looks SUPER cute
  •  The knock back is a good trade off of spamming
  • In-game tutorial was well thought out 
  • On the UI, it feels like the trees remaining and fires burning could be consolidated closer to the water tank in the top left corner
  • When the level started, it zoomed out to know where the water sources are at least. I spent a lot of time with fires burning, just running through the fires looking for a water source.
  • Minimap for water sources would be nice
  • Lots of expansion could be added to the game. Items, water bomb, call in aircraft backup, larger tank, bigger hose, etc.
  • Events could be added, like lightning causes fire, camp ground burning, rain to put out the fire, etc

Nice job!

Thanks those are great feedbacks!

Was wondering if you meant it zoomed out when the level finishes or it zoomed out in the beginning for you? 

My plan is to probably put river currents that run across the map to better locate the eater points

The lightning idea and more levels are my goals if I continue to expand the game. Check out the game design doc in the timeline section

Sorry, I meant zooming out like the end scene, but at the start, before you trigger the fire. This way, the player is rewarded for remembering where the water sources are if you want to keep the chaos running through the fire toward the water.

Cool idea! I'll add some features in not too long that are supposed to make it easier to find the water sources. But I keep your idea in mind.