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It has some potential, but it feels like you ran out of time to polish it. In my opinion the map could be much smaller. Or maybe the player should move faster. Currently, after you use a grapple, you lose all your momentum. If there was a way to keep the momentum, it would be much more fun!
Also, love the use of Suzanne lol


The grapple is something we had trouble with almost from the start, but I do agree. I think those changes would be really nice. Originally I wanted the structures to be roughly 50% taller and the map a good bit wider to feel like the player is in a massive area as a small thing dashing around something far greater then they could understand while trying to keep it there in a fast paced way, I think making the momentum more consistent along with potentially a faster tool and a smaller starting area to learn how to use everything could be a really useful addition, I appreciate the ideas.