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I really enjoyed the humor. Pretty funny concept and design. I didn't quite understand why my workers kept burning. Maybe hitboxes could be more generous?

Yo! Thanks for playing our game and giving us feedback! Super quick clarifying question, were you running into issues/bugs trying to cool off the workers? I know it takes a couple of blows to get rid of the fire for workers, but am curious if maybe they stayed on fire for longer than they should've.

Just for context, the idea behind the fire was to use it as an indicator for when your workers are working too fast. This could be because a boss comes by and forces them to work quickly, or because you overloaded them with too much coffee. 

Regardless, super appreciative of the feedback and time spent playing our game!


At some point, it seemed like no matter the angle I blew them from, the bar on their heads seemed to appear for a tick and never seemed to go lower, like I wasn't hitting them properly.

Oh worm, we'll take a look at that. Ty ty!