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(1 edit)

hello and thank you oh so very much for feeling so kindly about our little project!   

To answer your questions:

We're going to include a lot more scenes and characters to the current built as well as improve existing scenes.   In the future we're even hoping to include voice actors as well!

That said, all that programming into our game takes up space.   Space  in which Android has a strict limitation on app games.  Sadly our current build cant be processed onto an android properly,  but if you were to follow our patreon link you can find a link to a previous build of our game fitted for android!  (Again, it's not up to date, so if you wish to know what happens next, you might wanna see what YouTubers have picked in game ^^;)

I think visual novel writers and artists should always consider to add or change a scene or two.

I guess it's true that mobile devices can't handle pc programms, at least for now, though in the future...

Thank you for the fast reply. I downloaded the demo and will play it some time soon.

I actually watch visual novel YouTubers and it is possible that they will play Regal Tails.

I followed you on Patreon. :)