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This was super neat! felt like a real *dungeon* crawler, the pitch black lighting and dangerous enemies really give it a tense atmosphere. The lightball mechanic feels fun, unique, and juuust clunky enough combat is stressful, again adding to the desperate tone. I really liked how each enemy had a weakness that pertained to the lightball as well, though I could never quite figure out how to 100% safely kill the bird mages. distracting them with a lantern works but it seems like they can still damage you in melee range, unlike the stunned living armour. Fantastic work, I had a great time with this!



Here's a hint... You have to attack them during the light "absorb" and "shoot" animation which happens after the lantern breaks. They are technically "passive" when they are attacking the lanterns, and passive means they always use the talons, otherwise you could just run up and attack with no technique required.