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Wow, just finished this. So beautiful and disturbing at the same time. I loved the final endings especially and the story really coming together perfectly at the end

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the story!

I've watched other people play it so I wanted to try it, but I can't download it through Linux. I've also seen a few other comments about this issue, so any idea how to resolve it?  

Sorry I missed your comment! This is what I told someone else with the same problem:

I don't have access to linux or mac, so I'm not able to test this out. Ren'py (the program I made the game with) had the option to upload for windows/mac/linux so I did it, but I can't check it myself at the moment.

I searched around and saw this forum link about running Ren'py on linux mint:

Maybe it can help? I also saw this tutorial:

I hope this helps! Sorry again!

That's totally fine! I don't have time to look at the tutorial right now, but I'm sure i'll figure it out.

Darn- my PC runs on Chrome OS so it's not compatible with the file ;-; lemme look at the other options.

.....dumb Chromebooks XD 

you can get linux on a chromebook, via  Set up Linux on your Chromebook - Chromebook Help (