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Hi, I have downloaded the core plugin, and my gauge is showing, but it's displaying no value. How do I set the maximum value for my custom parameter?

(1 edit)

After you make sure that there is no error displaying on the console, this should return your max value:

  • $gameParty.leader().maxlus

The max value is defined as 0, I need it to be 100, how do I set the maximum of the gauge was what I meant

Oh, got it. These parameters are like HP/MP. As so, you need to set their value at 100 on the class note tag you used. 

It's like on the class editor curve, when you set an HP value there, the character will start with that HP value: 100/100 But if he loses 10 HP, it will be like 90/100. So, set on the note tag the lus value to 100. If you want the current(not max) value to start at 0, then you use the script call on the help file to set it at 0.

"use the script call on the help file to set it at 0" How do I do this part, and where do I go?

The help file of the plugin is on the plugin, inside the plugin manager:

And here you can use script calls, that are javascript code:

Read the help file and find out what script you will need to use to set the current LUS value to 0.

Hi, I have used the script call "setCustomHpParam", but it's still showing 100, is there something I'm doing wrong?

Did you read the help file to understand how it works? How can you reference the custom parameter to he changed?


Upmost apologies, I have just read the terms of use, and my game violates it. Apologies for wasting your time, but am still thankful of your generosity to help.