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why does it say it's taking longer for me to join and then just not allowing me to join any games bruh

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used to be able to play it even with 200 ping avg now i can't bc it's discriminating me bc of my ping? breh

im rusty and labtob is dying, higher ping n lower frames despite low graphics (im pretty sure everybody good at the game would also hesitate to play if they had my laptop, not even i can accept the terrible performance). vedy hard to play against tryhards since they all use high speed meaning with low fps they keep teleporting bit by bit instead of having their hitbox actually moving, so to me this screenshot worth saving. idk when ill be allowed to get a pc under my parents rules

takes 5 minutes to get me a match 💀

man i feel bad for u


it's fine


Bro ur laptop is bouta blow.

*chromebook that runs 3 fps*


Nooooo dont leave us laptop :(((

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hey idk one day chromebook might die and ill be reading itch chat in internet afterlife without my acct



Wanna play?

rip. i didn't read this early enough. used up my scren tim

also it's a monday, fridays n staurdays would be most ideal

I'm having the same problem I might quit laptop gaming and go fully mobile. I'm saving up for a PC too. Build one song buy one. Buying one is rly rly expensive. Building ones wat cheaper. Also gotta buy a monitor.

ye im trying to get $400 setup with monitor included

only 400? Nah save yp for a year and do jobs and save till you have 1000$ then buy all the parts you need for the pc. Then with the left over money from the 1000 buy a monitor and keyboard. And anything else u need. Good luck

$400 good enough, i don't have time for a job + none suitable that woulf fit into time, money comes slowly

how would u make 400$ I have a buisness over the summer and winter selling things

birthdays n new year red packets

what r red packets?

go for 900 then cause my irl build a pc and the most expensive thing was 400 I think. Also depends on where u live

Dx 💻 —> 💥 



hope u get a pc soon my guy 💀

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💀 once my parents allow it (that's like, 6 years?!)

edit: only thing i can upgrade is ice pack which is MAXED