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i love this game so much!!! also love how every single one of my choices leads to different consequences, so it was fun playing this game! while i covered the screen while playing this game(going to the dog park made me do it, i was scared of jumpscares), i enjoyed the story so much, especially the ending where the mc takes their babysteps into recovery. i also appreciate the ending guide so much bc i would have given up when there were only 7 endings left. And the art style is cute too!! I'd say my only issue with the game story is that it shows a black cat being evil, and i don't think that's good because they already face this kind of prejudice in real life and some of them gets killed from abuse because of it. There are some people who have difficulty in differentiating reality from fiction, so maybe an additional disclaimer at the start would help? Anyways, the game's great and fun to play! 


Thank you very much!

I was also worried that the game would cast a bad light on black cats. That's why I wanted to have the final ending be the protagonist taking in another black kitten and having it be a healthy and happy pet/owner relationship!