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(1 edit) (+4)

Even when it was literally a pile of goop with one eye, I still felt bad for it when it finally died,  either I'm way too empathetic, or very susceptible to (previously) cute animals, and manipulation tactics. The little kitten at the end was way too cute, though!

Seriously amazing game, with a love of love and attention put into it. Loved how imaginative (and disturbing) the endings were and they will have me spooked walking around my house for a solid couple days!

I didn't feel bad but my hatred softened a bit. "If you weren't so evil, maybe there could have been another ending" kinda thought. But alas, it lost it's chance. I'm also weak to cute animals though, wanted to pat the forbidden cat do bad.


It's a challenge for empathetic people to be stern and make boundaries and cut ties with people who hurt you, especially when they appeal to that empathy in order to get what they want from you. I'm glad I was able to portray that a little!

Thank you for trying out the game!