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if you don't have an email, then there is nothing to be collected point is not to enforce anyone to provide anything, I really don't know your guys' point. Are you really getting the context of what I'm asking? Because it seems that you are throwing points that makes no sense for the sake of what I'm asking in this post.

There could be a per-game setting to force people to enter one

As I said, I am not asking to force people to provide their emails otherwise they won't download the game, if this was the case I could just put the games paid and make a 100% permanent sale or make an unlimited Reward that costs $0 and turn on "New purchases & downloads require a reward", this would do the trick, but that's not what I want.

As I said, if itchio already has their email and we have a tool to send email to people that downloaded our game, why not include free downloads as well?