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What are y’all opinions and actions? Is this normal? Tell pelican to improve their censoring system pls 

Yep.. This is, unfortunately, normal. Usually low-lives like these spam and say hurtful things.

bro tell you to get a life but he don’t even have a life he be like a narrow one clouds watching us shooting and jumping while he is floating doing nothing

Istg people who say no life literally has no life at ALL

Well look in the mirror

Bru u directing it towards me?

hes a comrade 2 :(

No comrade of mine!

(1 edit)

is very normal in m8m6 sadly :( some ppl r just bad like that but the others r very nice :) what i would do is just tell to get a life lol


lol get a life might honestly be true for sweaty gamers idk what y’all crying bout

from what I see its sadly common to see this in squads.

also poor calener :(

Bruh y is he talking and he doesn't even have one