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For whatever it's worth, I agree completely with the previous commenter. I adore the series, and as I expressed in a comment back on the original page for the very first version, I was hella excited about it. While fanfiction is great, being able to actually 'play' the series with my own custom made protagonist? That was a mad cool idea, and everyone who got pissed about it, did so because they didn't even bother to read the disclaimer you made about how it was meant to be a interactive fanfic-ish take on the series, and was made entirely in appreciation for the original work. None of their criticism was valid, because all they wanted to do was kick up a fuss about the entire situation, just because they could do so. Their outrage was entirely selfish, and when boiled down was all simply done because they wanted drama. And you and the other author didn't at all deserve that.