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Hello Dragon, you don't know me but i followed your projets on Itchio and Youtube. Do you have another active social media like: twitter, instagram and etc? What happened to you during the time you haven't been posting anymore?

If you don't want to respond these questions, that's fine.

I wanted to let you know that i created a gameplay channel and will post a gameplay of this game. If you're interested : Gameplay_Channel

Thanks for your attention and pacience to read, Love you man (no homo).

Hey, yeah it's been a bit quiet around here. I got a full-time job in game dev so that's kept me pretty busy and I haven't had as much motivation to finish any personal projects. As for social media, I don't post anywhere besides the games here and the trailers on youtube. Maybe I'll look into that...
Anyway, looking forward to your gameplay vid if you do make one. Thanks for the comment :)


I Finally recorded a video, Thanks for being patient.