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I tried that version. It works.

The actual game works too, as a concept. I imagine it'd be really fun for a large portion of theatre buffs, and the spiders looked really good. Unfortunately, I got stuck on the second level, due to not knowing any of the lines of the passage and apparently being unable to guess what phrasing Shakespeare chose. I don't think I've ever actually read MacBeth, since there were other Shakespeare plays that got recommended first when I had access to them (ie. Hamlet).

Thanks for trying it out -- again! Yeah, I understand what you mean about getting stuck; it needs hints or some other kind of training mode in order not to be just a quiz on whether you know this text already. (My idea was that the "extra material" needed for one of the challenges was the text of the play, but didn't link or otherwise mention that.) Glad you like the basic concept though! Making a set / classic text into a game is tough, I fear...