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Yaaay, I had no idea if that would work but glad it did. So possibly tied to frame rate and that's why it only happened to some folks.

And yeah love the style too, same feelings you have. Betrayed alliance is still in the works afaik. There's also Fortune and Glory from deivore and of course Crimson Diamond to look out for!

I'm very tempted to try out parser stuff too, but there's only so many hours in the day ;)

wow! and a demo of Book 2 is coming out in February, that's really great! I'm happy to read he is also considering to brush up book 1. Book 1 was great, charming and had an great concept for the world and intrigue, but the map felt very cramped and some puzzle lacked narrative to guide the player.

Never heard of  Fortune and Glory or Crimson Diamond. Will be sure to check them out :)

Parsers are my favourite, but I can only imagined how much effort must be put into it to make it work effectively. I can see the need for a very advanced respones mechanism and coding as well if you allow the player to use commands such as ask about and tell about.

Found Crimson Diamond on Steam, looks amazing!
But I had no luck finding any game called Fortune and Glory. I did however found two games by Deivore that was named Perlious night and Perlious Wilde.