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Creative game! I really liked playing with the web mechanic! It was fun and intuitive to build them throughout the level.

Swinging: The only thing I didn't realize until after finishing was how to swing effectively. I kind of didn't expect spiders to be swinging like that, since I never really picked up how to control the swing. So for the long spiked hallway, I tried repeatedly, death-after-death, to spam-click creating a new web so I could get further into the spiked hallway. Oof.

Level: I did feel like there was a bit too much backtracking in the level, (at least for me, because I couldn't swing effectively :[ ).

Art: The little spider art is cute, and it's easy to tell where my player is against the level's colors.

Theme: Theme-wise, I think the game fits the theme well. The player builds web connections to progress forward. Makes sense to me.

Overall, although I had my frustrations with the way I didn't know how to swing effectively, it was still quite an enjoyable game experience. Good work!