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Damn, Gamedev rough.

I should really give slack to the other games I don't see as quite the same quality on this site :/ not that I attack anyone but I must underestimate the work put in a lot.

If you want some extra time for yourself or work I wouldn't mind helping out with some mundane tasks if you have a position anywhere, i'm used to moderating chatrooms and forum discussions but regardless I digress &  thanks for all the hard work!
I would also like to ask if you have anywhere you'd recommend for someone to start in this niche industry of a niche industry as you really seem to have it all together but I don't wanna take advantage of how attentive you are to your comments so no pressure or anything.Cheers!


Hey, sorry for not replying! It's very easy for messages to get buried on Itch so I tend to miss anything too far down. A more reliable way to get in touch with me is on Discord :)

As for recommendations on where to start, I'm not sure if I'm the best person to ask as I'm entirely self-taught and my method was to download a bunch of free SDK (software development kits, for example Ren'py, Unreal Engine, Godot, etc.) and spend a few days playing around with each one, and going on YouTube for tutorials.

Once I found one that I liked and I thought I could make a game with (in this case Ren'py) I made a couple little prototypes to familiarize myself with the systems I'd need to make CK.

That done, I jumped into making CK. I expected to only have a dozen players, which would have given me a lot of leeway to experiment and make mistakes, but, well, it didn't really work out that way... :P

Anyway, that's an extremely truncated version of my method. If you'd like to know more about it, send me a DM on Discord or catch one of my livestreams - I'm always happy to go into my process in realtime when asked :)