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I like and appreciate the new update, but do we really have to select the pills, click yes, kick open the door, wait, enter the room, wait, write our name, wait, every single time when we die?

Really hurts the replayability of an update targeting replayability.

(1 edit) (+2)

Thanks for the feedback, I'll see if I can make it a bit smoother.

hi, this game will be on ios/android

I appreciate your reply. I must reiterate that I like the game a lot, I don’t want to seem too negative. I think this eerie, grimy night club “death game” microcosm you’ve built is really cool and would love to see more content or whole games within this same vein/universe. Not that it is, but it almost feels almost like a teaser or proof of concept in the sense that it’s very well-packaged and satisfying, but still leaves you wanting more and with several questions. Intended or not, I think that’s neat and must be a marker of quality.