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I really liked this game, the only thing i would like to see happen is Celica win against Nel, as it is right now, Celica is a complete pushover whenever Nel breaks the rules she set. It would be cool to see Celica put her foot down, especially considering what Nel did at the bath house, she completely usurped Celica's efforts. I get that that's the hot part of possession stuff, the lack of control, but I think that it would be nice for Celica to actually be able to trust Nel's actions, instead of Nel having to convince Celica every time. Basically, it'd be cool if Nel felt like she was actually trying to help Celica, and not that she is secretly betraying Celica's trust.

(1 edit)

Yes, the game has a lot of potential: if it ever introduces branching relationships, it would allow for different options for developing relationships between characters.

But since the development of updates is always associated with mystery and intrigue, anything may or may not appear in any of the game's future updates.