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oh, man, wish i saw this before i blindly wrote my own comment haha! yeah, i agree with a ton of the stuff here, especially about the sfx and music. things just have that satisfying feel to them... it acknowledges the raw power these guns have in a life/death situation. love it!

i'm not sure i really care for multiplayer myself, since it's a lot of work for one dev to do sometimes. but i'm not really opposed to it, either? i just think i'd rather know more about the world. i'd rather know more about the dealer. i'd rather know the smoker. the nightclub. 

it's definitely just a matter of what people personally want out of a game, i think everyone just wants "more". i'd love some more mechanics either way or just something to work towards.

(1 edit)

Yeah, what you said are really good ideas. 

I'd also want to get to know more of the world, as you said. Like a different  game exploring the nightclub, stuff with the smoker (is he the DEALER's doctor?), and other things like that. Maybe how the DEALER came to be the DEALER. 

It definitely has enough stuff for the dev to flesh out the world and make it a whole "Buckshot Roulette" universe, if you will.