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(1 edit)

Also, forgot to add to my previous comment about the Johto update, but I find it funny that of the interactable human women in Johto, you made Whitney the biggest piece of work of the bunch due to her crybaby sore loser thing after you beat her and her Miltank, but Clair is worse in the "sore loser" regard in the game (basically forcing you to do an errand or take a quiz she somehow failed in depending on which cartridge you own after you beat her, especially the latter when it's just "do you treat your Pokemon like shit?" And the correct answer is no, at least Whitney just cried and that's it), yet you portrayed the Dragon specialist as more "likable" than Miltank McGee.

I feel like Whitney's tantrum is more iconic, mostly because it happens first, so it made more sense to turn her into a brat

Clair probably would have done the same if she challanged the MC to a battle and lost (after Mewtwo wrecked all her Dragons),  but she was too busy getting annoyed at Morty to bother

Also, it just occured to me that Gen 2 is the only one where the Gym Leaders refuse to hand over the badge, and they do it twice!

it’s funny because people who have never  seen anything about the original games and the remakes will think that Whitney is the opposite due to the anime