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Sometimes errors fix themselves alone and we should not ask why ahahah! I'm glad it worked out! Someone else suggested me a "hold-to-charge" mechanic, but I don't like that idea in this specific game, on a future shmup, it will be a good idea. A guided shot on the other hand, it's a different idea. The thing is, I don't like to add new features after the submission's time is up. I think the voting time is to vote what we created in the given time. Bug fixing and other stuff is, obviously, acceptable. I impose these rules to myself while participating on these jams, to discipline myself, that time's short. I believe this way, I'm learning to work better under pressure. On the next couple of days, I won't really have time to be implementing anything, but in the future I might tweak a few things or even make a second version with Android port with a  little touch of my deep self personality in it, I think it would be cool. 

About the Atari game, I didn't know that game, thanks for bringing it up. You know, for a while I've been thinking of creating a tool specifically to make games that look like an Atari 2600 game, like a phantasy console. But time has been against me and since I'm working on other projects and doing other stuff, I can't really get any of my small projects done. Although if there was an Atari 2600 jam like this one, I would, probably, be willing to partipate.

Once again, thanks for playing it.