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Hello Banana!

Of course I could try to highlight all the features, but if my plugin is worth your money is ultimately your decision :)

The last update was a compatibility, but I do plan to add more features in the future (many people have requested scattering, for example).

I can't guarantee when these are going to be implemented, but I hope to make some updates this year for sure - just know that I'm a student doing this on the side (and the time around new year's is especially hard with assignments and exams). Actually the plugin was an artifact of my Bachelor's Thesis, but I kept improving and adding to it, until I was confident enough to sell it.

Rest assured, the plugin as is will be made compatible with all Godot 4.x versions in the near future. 

I hope to make more video content as well, I just didn't find time - also the added stuff was not as substantial to justify the effort, but in the meantime you can see it in action a bit in a video a friend made:

I hope this gave you some insights, if you have any other questions, I'll be here for you ^^

