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I believe itch io does not accept copy and paste. You should save a png file and then upload it to the itch io post.

By the screenshot, the error seems that the value passed into the meta tag HpCost is not a string. But I can't seem to find a reason for that. I believe I will need a sample project from you replicating the error so I can take a look and see what the problem is. I tested it here and it worked just fine. 

It is because I was using an older version of RPG Maker.
This was in 1.0.1 and it occurs up until 1.1.1 before fully working in 1.2.1

What was changed to make that specific part of the plugin work, I have no idea, but that's all the information I have.


So everything is working now that you updated the core files of the RPG maker?

Yes, sorry to bother you.


Not at all! Have fun! ^^