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(1 edit)

The backstory and lore on the gamepage is on point. Really enjoy your writing. I really enjoy the texture work too, and the alien landscape. Character creation worked fine. 

This Resca awoke almost naked in an hostile and alien landscape, intrigued by the unearthly sounds and faraway trumpeting she began to explore. She did not find the gun. 

She did find a temple of sorts in which she hoped to find new perspectives, she did not and failed to climb up upon its roof, instead doing a few laps in the tunnels of the wall which contained it. 

She wondered if she was Mongol, or if she would meet Mongol, or perhaps if Mongol was a symbol of man all along. 

She did eventually decide to move towards the vibrating walls, perhaps containing the creatures created to torture Mongols mind, and their tracking had put them all in a corner, gathered together like a clump of fear. 

She suspected this might work to her advantage and that she could cliphit them through the corner, alas their reach did get her and she was slain. Luckily some presence had saved just before trying. 

This presence wished he had a bow and arrows, so he could cheese this shit like in the Morrowinds of ancient ages past. 

Resca climbed up upon the vibrating wall, jumping maniacally at a nearby cliff, and there she saw a humble rat on it that was flipping the fuck out. The rat flew off into space for some reason, and mirth was had. 

The zombies kept hounding Resca as she walked along the wall and the presence thought that perhaps the name "zombie" was a missed opportunity and that something else would me more intriguing. 

The rat returned, or perhaps it was a new rat, but neither it nor Resca could hurt one another. A companion had been gained. 

A few huts, or blackened eggs could be seen at the other side of the wall. The presence already knew there was a person inside one of them. But how to get there with the constant presence of an angry horde? 

Ratfriend got stuck on the wall and could not further join Resca on her journey. Resca decided to see if blocking made her immortal against the threats of the world, it did not. 

Resca did manage to jump to the top of a mountain to witness the creature that hovered above, also contained by vibrating flying walls, perhaps as stuck as she was. 

In the end Resca did run to the humble Bottlesnake, but after noticing his words were those of the background lore she decided to hit him. This angered the man which promptly made him hunt her which in turn actually turned him against the zombies. He killed some of them. Two rats were seen stuck in a wall. 

Eventually Bottlesnake and the zombies turned into a sort of clump in a corner, spazzing out. 

Thus my experience has ended.