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i can also suggest upgrade version of logic gates, because even if i indersood how they work and finally set everything up, they can still let go 2 items from conveyer belts somehow if it on normal speed. I think everything could be much easier if there would combination like shift+right mouse at set gate that set it to let go only 1/2/3/how conveyer goes items per opening so it would be much easier to set automation. It is really extremely needful item imho because it is extremely not intuitive process to set it with just logic gates even if you read description. forum and saw some pictures of preset factory

Have you had 2 items go through the gate on a normal speed conveyor? If so, that is something that I'll have to fix. I think the logic gate itself works fine, but it is the case that some setups are pretty difficult to figure out (especially for the oven where fuel is an ingredient). I'll see what I can do to make automation easier to understand in the future.

yep, i ve had my nuclear fuel messed up because of it. Thank you.