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(1 edit) (+1)

(Sees shorty corgi girl)
(think she's cute and goes to talk to her; shortstack supremacy)
(friendliness noises)
(Get to chess, she's the only option since I've only gone through one "Small Talk"  action with everyone I could)
(Loses, accepts scripted defeat)
(Corgi thinks I'd betray her because I'm royalty... wait, what?)
(Lewie just found out today (or yesterday idk), why would I betray you...?)
(Turns me into a hot maid, me crestfallen that she thinks this poor bastard would do whatever to her)
(I just wanted to stand up for myself D:)

I just wanted to be friends, ma'am. (I went back and figured out a better route. She's still cute tho, 10/10 story)

talk twice she fails her betrayal and you end up friends after she gets transformed. (She has daddy issues)