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✨ Yay!! Hope you enjoy! 💕

And don’t worry, you’re not the only one who had trouble with it! We had one beta reader say they figured it out themselves pretty quickly but other than that playtesters just asked for the answer LOL. I thought ppl will put some wild guesses and move on that way but appreciate you letting me know since others are probs experiencing the same thing 🙏😅

I’ll also add a toggle note guide in the page! If you are curious, I’ll put a quick guide and answers below.

**Spoiler guide for riddle**

To solve the riddles, you will need to rearrange the letters of the first referenced word. References to beginning or end of other words are the letters needed to add or take away 

*Spoiler answers below*







1. crone

2. cabin

(Yep, it’s just where they’re heading LOL)