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Day 3 dropped with great timing to keep me occupied while home sick. Thanks! Interesting to see all the new little details added, even in earlier chapters. And the little sticky note on the load screen is a nice touch of both cute and creepy, especially once I realized it could move... Yikes. 

Not sure if you've noticed/had it pointed out yet, but there's a spelling error on day 3's dead end route- when you get home, "shrugging" off your jacket is spelled "shurgging".  Also, I deleted the last version's files, at least I thought I got them all, but the old saves still showed up when I loaded up the new game. I liked the little touch of Ren welcoming us back if we used the same name as before, but I'm wondering where the backup saves might be getting created?

Anyways, this new update was fun to see play out in its different iterations. Makes me a little sad to realize each update comes every 6 months or so, and how long the last day might be in coming at that rate, but I know VNs are a lot of work, especially for one person. This one is legitimately good and I'm curious to see how this waiting trainwreck of a situation unfolds. Keep up the great work, please and thank you! And have a great 2024.


Hiya! ^^ Thank you so much for the lovely and honest review!! (I'm also happy to see that you noticed the sticky note secret >:3c) ♡

I wasn't aware of the incorrect spelling of "shrugging", but it's now been fixed and ready for the next update. So thank you for bringing it to my attention! As for the save files, Ren'Py stores them in a separate folder from 14DWY (usually in "%APPDATA%/RenPy/14DaysWithYou" for PC and "~/Library/RenPy/14DaysWithYou" for Mac), which you can freely delete (or move to your desktop if you want to be safe)!

As for the updates coming out very sporadically, there's unfortunately very little I can do about it ^^; I'm a full-time student with a part-time job and art as my main hobby, so 14DWY has always been a fun little passion project for me. I had no idea that it would become this popular, and had I known, I definitely would've done things differently and planned a better schedule. But I genuinely appreciate your understanding and patience!

Happy New Year and I hope 2024 will be kind to you ^^