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omgomgomgomgg GREY I am living for this as you go commentary!!!! And that was fast lmfao I am glad it’s fun (and yes use your items!!!) also yes I left a bunch of things on to make the experience a bit more easy for players like constant saving, shops in your campsite, etc…. Tysm for this Grey it truly means the world! 😭 

love the snowy level and the ice cave, and I love love love Duke already. Also everytime someone hurts the puppy (named her Prune) I scream. leave her alone!!!! she's my good girl. also lawrence and gala are soooo cute their little blushing faces!!! AH giggling kicking my feet. delightful. I'm still working on Act 2!! EVERYONE STOCK UP ON KISS OF LIFE'S


AGHHH THE UPDATE! Grey thank you! This was so cute to read! I’m glad you’re having fun with it and you’re liking everyone ❤️ (also PRUNE IS A GOOD GURL CERTIFIED THROUGH AND THROUGH) and I hope you have a magical (not to difficult) time! Lmfaooo

WE'RE SO BACK. okay I just reached act 3 and ahhhhh okay I mean I have so many thoughts I don't want to put too many spoilers but like...ash's former wish to have her father be home more...was in tears at that part

the BALCONY scene oh my godddd and the cutscenes are so beautiful between lawrence and gala they're so SO cute but yeah that confession will stick WITH me for a while

The two newest members of the party oh my GOD I love them so much, the first one is not what I expected but he's a sweetheart and ahhh he's a good boy and I love him, and the second--WOW WHAT A BABE like she's chatting but I am just staring with little heart eyes because she is SO fine 

I'm super excited for act 3!! shit is going DOWN!! (REDACTED) is going to catch these hands!!!! I was getting a weird feeling just by some of the things were said I was getting the ick but I didn't think it was going like THAT. consider me gagged(positive)!! 

OKAY I FINISHED THE GAME AND IT WAS AMAZING I WAS ACTUALLY TEARING UP AT THE END LIKE!! what an amazing ending to an amazing game, this is really really special I can't believe you made this in three months, it's really something special and is going to stay with me for a long time. Thank you so much for making this.