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how far away is enemy villages in the game for us to rampage? also, although this is essentially a village building and defending game at this stage besides the obvious nsfw factors, will this game involve raiding, pillaging, and, i know its really dark, but rape of the enemy villagers? i know its kind of a terrible thought, but for people who want to play as raiders, be more barbaric, or just be the plain evil villian that would be a feature that is sort of necessary if they wanted more characters on their side. its a game after all, and some people just want to watch an artificial world burn

also, just a suggestion: maybe lower down the jump height. whenever i press the jump button its a little hop, but when i hold the jump button its like i'm jumping on the moon

Hello ! I agree about the jump it's like the current inputs, I have to redo it completely ! They're horrible but at least Unity released an alpha version of its new input system.

Speaking of being a villain, let's talk about pregnancy first in this world. Sex is a game and for kids you need to have a really nice moment for each involved characters. Let's say that sadness is the perfect contraception here. So to have kids you will need sex with consent and happiness.

So if you rape someone, his/her entire team will automatically hate you and they will became extremely violent. So yes you can raid others and spread chaos, but they will become kinda tough. Even those you didn't meet yet.

It's still a goal for the future but I already have a clear idea of the AI and how the NPCs will react. The main challenge will be to develop a smart IA capable of growing it's own village and build stuff on the map.

I fixed the jump problem. You have no longer access to the moon sadly :p