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Hello, regarding the bugs...

1. Magic (Passive and not) for NPCs (Monsters or companions) has not been implemented yet.
2. CG 183 not unlocking is a bug that has been fixed on R33. If you spot any other CG not unlocking, let me know the number!

As for the improvements...

1. Total stats will be displayed at the end of the game when saving for the sequel, and during the sequel in general.
2. You can overcome that situation with the usage of items (Potions, mostly) and I believe the Skill Trainer at that point is unlocked, so if you haven't unlocked them, it'd be a good idea to do so in Hard Mode. You can also indirectly update your status by purchasing a spell if you have unlocked the Magic Shop, but in future you will be able to rest once a day upon completing 3 side quests, this has yet to be implemented.
3. Control settings will be implemented in future, but the issue during the combat has been fixed on R33 as well.
4. Commands are mostly cheats, you can get a list of cheats as a Patron Reward (Deity Tier), but it's otherwise useless for normal playthroughs.

(1 edit)

In the sequel it been like in original (count was reset but hidden saved) or simply counter increased further?

It will be like in the original, but you'll be able to toggle the hidden stats to see them.