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heya, sorry i'm slow responding. holidays were busy. glad you liked the story and i'm pleased it surprised you. i think it's fun doing something in this genre that surprises people with the depth. Also, i'll take your comment about the ending as a compliment that you wanted more. i worked hard on that ending to get it to be a lot of things. it's supposed to kinda echo (without saying spoilers cause lot of people scroll down here and read this before they even start playing so we dont wanna ruin things). thank you for your kind words and glad you liked it <3

heyy! no worries, i get that you're preoccupied. hope you had a nice time over the holidays! i also think that depth is more important than a couple of meaningless nsfw scenes. i have to admit that it took me by surprise and once i knew it, i was going through all the emotions. since you're working on the revamp, i was wondering if you have thought about continuing the story further? i assume you want to stick to the original script, but i think many people (including me) would like to see what happens next. (though it would kind of kill the point of the ending in the original, so i get why you wouldn't want to do it) you've probably been asked this like a thousand times already, so i apologize in advance, lol. also, any news on when we can expect the next update to release?

holidays were good but busy af so i'm glad to have them checked off the list. hope yours were good as well. I think the NSFW scenes hit harder when you actually care or there's a better introduction or even consequences for it. emotions can change things and i think just rushing into NSFW scenes in games was fine to create the genre but it's boring now because everyone does that. You can only order so many pizzas or do so much yoga.

in terms of the revamp, yes, it will stick to the original script. everything should happen mostly the same way with some minor changes but big events will not change nor will the ending. I have gotten asked about doing a sequel a few hundred times now but that's ok, i appreciate the interest :p  

right now, i dont have one in the works but i'm open to it. however, my requirement is that a continuation would have to be better than this by a lot. i'm not willing to risk pushing the story forward unless it's going to greatly make an impact. i told the story i needed to. i think a lot of sequels feel rushed or are just done for financial reasons and i'm not willing to just push something out for those reasons. people have trusted me with these characters for several years now and i dont take that trust lightly. i'm careful with them so it would really have to mean something. it's all about the story to me, everything else falls in somewhere behind that.

I understand that you feel satisfied with the story you've told and characters you've built, and now that I've taken time to think about it all, I think I also am. The ending felt disappointing to me initially, but only because I was left wanting more and now that I've reflected on it once again, I finally understand what you meant when you said that it's supposed to "echo", leaving the rest to the imagination of the player. Having a sequel would be nice, but the story is perfect as it is right now. Some things are just best left untouched. I'm glad that you've got your head in the right place and you're not doing a sequel for monetary purposes. You seem like a really neat and wise guy :). 

Keep up the great work, I'm thrilled about the upcoming update and I want you to know that you've earned yourself an unconditional supporter. <3

(1 edit)

haha, i could always be wiser :p but thank you. you're very kind and made me smile. But yeah, I really am careful with these characters. You can't build an audience and really want people to put in an effort to get to know your characters then just sacrifice them for cash or cheap tricks to try and make money. naaaah, fuck that. these guys mean to much to me and to others. I take my role serious. and thank you for taking my project seriously. i really put and continue to put a lot into it. it's growing every day. thanks for being part of that :)

Edit: bah, also.... damn, my bad. i knew i read someone had left a comment asking about the next update on here and i couldn't find it. it was you and i saw it right after i responded here. so next update for the revamp will hopefully drop in the next few days on my Patreon page. I'm working my ass off to try and get it out during December so like pray or something, lol. But 3 weeks after the Patreon release, then it posts here and Patreon for FREE.  so figure in  like 3 weeks into January or so for FREE version (hopefully)

Glad that I made you smile! :) 

It's evident that you take everything seriously, you also seem to have built a strong bond with the characters that you've shaped over the years, which is really inspiring to me. I'm happy that the time you've put into this project is paying off! Thank you for clearing stuff up about the update, I figured you'd forgotten to reply, so I just didn't ask again, don't want to be a bother. Three weeks is so long thoughh, may I ask if there's a specific reason to why you upload it later for everyone else? 

Yep, so I never wanted this project to actually cost to play. I want it to be free for several reasons -- the most obviously being that financial status shouldn't prevent someone from playing if there was a positive message in the story. Game development today just seems so greedy to me and i wanted to showcase that you can successfully build a project just based on donations. But, the costs of operation can be expensive. So I started the Patreon page to accept donations for those who want to support the project. Those who donate basically get early access to the update when it's finished. The Patreon supporters also end up being early testers for the project and give me more sets of eyes before i release to the full public. Patreon donations also get more behind the scenes stuff and supplemental content when I get a chance to do it. But the public free version is the same version as the Patreon supporters see, I just drop it later to give me time to fix issues or bugs.

Here on you can always download for free but while  there's a donation spot here, doesn't really give me much flexibility for supplemental stuff, extras, there's massive upload restrictions, and the UI is a mess to deal with. so i use Patreon as my hub and everything else is just used for free distribution versions. It's too much for me to juggle multiple websites and multiple devlogs-- that ends up negatively affecting the game development because i'm just handling websites all the time. 

i see, well i think it's a great way to kind of give back to the people who support you. i'm sure everyone loves the extra eye candy they receive occasionally too ;). thank you for responding to my questions, and sorry if i asked too many of them, lolz.

nah, you're good, man. how could i not appreciate people being interested in this thing? <3
