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You were browsing the popular section. What is to be popular is not decided by your taste. Not even by good ratings. It is decided by an algorithm that ranks games based on several things, including recent popularity. Judging by the comments, lots of people visit that ginger game, coming from youtube.

Look at and for a bit of quality ranking. And best combine with a tag of your nieche of interest, like rpg or rpg-maker.

Well redonihunter I Did That And I Had to go down to the 13 page before i can see any good games

If you had to go down 13 pages on top rated, you obviously disagree with most people rating games here, about what constitutes a good game. You sure, you visited top rated instead of popular?

Also, the game you used an example of a good game is on page 2, if you look for that type of game.

I did the both of them found some good games {and a lot of gay furry visual cheap ass novel}