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Oh, it was a great game!

First of all, THE ATMOSPHERE? THE VIBE? THE ART??? It felt indeed retro, and very reminiscent of the 90s? Even the main menu, gosh!! It was also all wonderfully crafted, the sprites, the CGs and the backgrounds all looked gorgeous. The GUI was also wonderful!

I also want to highlight the music: eh, it was important considering the theme of this game, but TWO SONGS?????????? IN FOUR DAYS???????????? AND THEY SOUND AMAZING??????? THE OST SOUNDS GREAT TOO????? I'm honestly in awe!!

Now, writing-wise, can I say I adored it? Because I really did! I feel like it really respected the theme of the jam, but also, it was very interesting on its own? Without spoiling, just seeing alternate scenes depending on the lyrics that speak to us (excellent narrative design by the way), and shaping Willow's views on his band thanks to them made this game an engaging experience. But of course, the "finale" really helped setting the tone: no accomplishment is a completely selfless one, and achieving this always leads to give up on other things (at least, when you use such a way of achieving something lol), or to betray people you once cherished, at least, in Willow's case. So it really sold the whole "morally ambiguous promise" theme, and I really enjoyed this!!

Honestly, this is frequently an amazing game! I don't think I can rate it as I didn't participate to the jam, but if I could, it would be five stars!!!! Congrats on the whole team on making all this IN THE SPAN OF FOUR DAYS LIKE GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the best short games I played this year for sure!!


THANK YOU FOR THIS HUGE COMMENT OMG! We could not be more grateful for your incredibly kind words! Everyone worked so hard I'm so happy it shows <3 Thank you for playing!!!