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(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for the extra effort to provide a build that actually worked on my machine (still don't know why it didn't work before).

The game is hard! I only could complete the first day by chance and by the time I finally managed to get the second day's quota I ran outta stamina to carve an alternate return path and died to zombies lol

I like how there's progression in the game and the crafting system. I kinda wish we could go back to our previous mine to continue where we left off. I waste a lot of stamina looking for a higher level ore to mine.

I don't see myself ever getting a higher than copper tool. Maybe I'm just bad at mining. XD

Great game!


- Yea, I do feel that the balancing honestly needs work as well. I'm not sure if it is even possible to get to the gem mining part and complete okayu's request.

- That's a great point. Returning to previous mines could be a good idea (maybe minesite retains throughout that day, or players can choose to save a minesite when they leave etc)

And thanks for persevering though the whole ordeal of getting the game to work!