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the generator should be working on the browser. what is missing from the pdf? it should be downloadable if you pay above the recommended price.

It's stuck on "Your Order Is ... " The listing mentions a "tea leaves bonus." We can take this to e-mail if you wish. It's the middle of a very long workday and perhaps I should have tried this on the weekend.

the tea leaves bonus is the 1d4 mentioned at the bottom of the pdf - sorry if that wasn't clear! it's meant to be a bonus for a future roll that you can use in whatever ttrpg you are playing (e.g., +1~4 on your next insight roll)

sorry about the being stuck issue - if you have the time, i'd appreciate it if you'd share your browser / cookies settings / os in a comment or email ( ) if you prefer! i believe twine, the engine i used to make this, requires allowing 3rd-party cookies to run for the game to function, which may be blocked by your cookies settings, playing in incognito, or privacy extensions. allowing 3rd-party cookies to run on itch may solve the issue.