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The visual looks really good, the house look a bit odd but everythings else look really nice especially the boss. The animation are nice too.

Gameplay wise its nice but the attack range are a bit short, you cant really hit the green enemy when it is facing you. Also after it kill you, they will freeze at the same post like this.

Also, in the boss fight, you have a chance to stay in the invincle frame (the transparent look) and cannot interact with anything. 

But still, nice game!

Thanks for the great feedback. I will extend the melee range and add some VFX to make it more obvious where the attack range is. The animations aren't perfectly synced to the hitboxes, unfortunately. Slowing down the enemy melee and adding a stun/dodge/counter system is part of the plan for the next edition. There are a few bugs like the paused enemy  that need to be ironed out for sure. Getting stuck in the invulnerable mode is not something I have come across before, so thank you for warning me! Did you make it to the end despite the glitch? 


Ya the game itself isn't too long  so i restart and make it to the end.

Oh good. That's part of why I didn't have the enemies or gates reset after a ko. I'll try and recreate the invulnerability bug on my side. (Were you using Windows 10?) 


I was using win11, tho i dont remember how i got into that bug since i only realised the bug half way through the boss.


Okay, I'll keep an eye out for it in the next round of testing. Thank you again for the feedback and advice!