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I appreciate the honest feedback on the matter. I actually figured this would be the response that the game is intended for. I admit that the game's jolly vibes are very much near nonexistent here and that it might impact the creative aspect of the game's overall score. But I tried my best to create the silent scenarios so people can just interpret it however they please.  And I wasn't really aiming to win nor to make a jolly tale in the grand scheme of things. That being said, if it didn't convey anything for you then my apologies for the unpleasant experiences you're undergoing playing through this game. 

In regards to the HP bug, I feared that would be the case since I was really trying to fix that whole lose condition issue. I don't know if I can rectify it but considering that the bug helped you instead of hindering you, then I won't question the logistics of the blunder for now.

Thank you for playing the game.