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This feels like a game that I would play on my DS (that's a good thing)! I like that each power up has it's strengths and by just looking at the level you can already kinda figure out what you're gonna have to do. The Craft mode is very well implemented, although I have never used the green bounce pad. The sprite work is nice and the origami animations are great! I think I only have three (3) minor things I want to say:
One (1), I don't know how much sense id makes to have a parralax effect, when the camera is still.
Two (2) I think having a bit more visual feedback on disabled blocks would be helpful (making them grayscale or turn completely black or just turn the GameObject off).
And lastly Three (3) I don't know how I feel about the scrolls still being on your possession after you die. The levels are built in a way that you can always collect all and finish the levels, but I found myself using all my resources to get one after the other and then just heading straight for the end. If that is intended. That can of course be intended, in which case you can ignore point number Three (three).
Thank you for making this fun and creative game and for coming to my TED talk.

Thanks for the feedbacks! I really appreciate it.
The scrolls not reseting I thought could be a way to make the game less challenging to beat, whilst also allowing the player to get more creative! But for a full release, the scrolls would definitely reset!