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(Normal mode speed clear on second try with a couple deaths)
Needless to say, I've enjoyed the game a lot! Started with Hard Mode (38 minutes clear ^^'), and despite skipping the tutorial, player mechanics were intuitive and fun to learn. The game is really well designed, and really feels like The Messenger in some ways, especially the stage 3 and its bgm.

Maybe player movement could be tweaked a bit, as it did feel finicky in some parts. The staff would also sometimes break when you try to hit a corner of a wall, which may mess you up when you don't expect it. But certain bugs/exploits are actually pretty fun and could be interesting to play with - namely, the momentum you gain when jumping off of a moving platform, and also a bug with any wooden part in the middle of its state transition - switching modes very quickly during the transition would keep the part in its transitioned state. Not sure if the latter has any practical use, but I hope it doesn't get fixed :)

There are so many other details I enjoyed, like the 16:9 to 4:3 aspect ratio switch, classic spikes having clearer hitboxes than remastered, being able to switch modes during menu, intro and credits...  tl;dr 5 stars across the board from me. Congrats on finishing the jam!

wow props on starting with hard mode. and congrats on your normal mode time, very impressive. 

I was actually thinking of doing an extra level based on the platform momentum but decided against it so we could do some more polish in other areas.

Not sure what the phase skipping of rotating platforms could actually do tho. It's more a result of finding a solution for how quick mode switching should be handled in an intuitive way. 

Thanks you for the kind words and thanks for playing :D


Holy moly, that's amazing. I never expected someone who started off in hard mode, let alone finishing under one hour in first try. That's a very impressive speedrun time too!

Props for you to find our small secrets there!

Thank you for playing our game! We're really happy to hear you enjoyed your time with it!