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Very unique concept! The first few rounds the game didn't stick with me very well, but after i discovered the different modes it became a bit more fun. 

Around round 10 in my final plathrough the game became a bit too easy and I didn't really have  any challenge anymore of trying to survive. Keep picking the more flies and spamming exploding froggies was the best strat here. Played until round 25 and died to a frog spawning on me -_-

I really liked the concept though! Would be cool to see more added to flesh things out and to keep the gameplay more fresh, with maybe even a cap to how many rounds you can play like Vampire Survivors.  Definitely a strong base for a full game!

(1 edit)

So glad you figured it out. 100% my bad for not forcing my army of frog programmers to build the tutorial. It's a bit hard to type with flippers (imagine the PRs). So cool you stuck around to round 25 though! shame about the toad (ew toads) spawning on you, I did add some code to ensure that enemies don't spawn within the viewport's vision, so for that reason you 100% died to a bug and therefore, not your fault (it's the frogs).
Maybe I will come back and polish the game up. It seems yourself and a few others are interested ^^ Regardless thanks so much for playing <3