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OHHHHHHHHH this was so great??? I am actually in awe of just how MUCH there is here to only have been created in 4 days! Like the level of polish??? Between the beautiful sprites and BG, to the gorgeous (AND FITTING) GUI, to all the effects and animation and coding and the music and the CGs and GUHHHH. It's so well done I shall sob 😭💕

The story was so lovely yet heartbreaking?? I went with Heart for this first playthrough maybe because I couldn't resist and also it somehow felt less selfish(???) except then after I chose it it still felt selfish at least from the side of the bandmates, so probably it wouldn't matter which choice it is, they both have this element of making one side unhappy in a way. Which is sad but... unfortunately life in many instances sigh. I liked the realism of it being an actually difficult choice with real repercussions. I think in particular this type of choice (even if not exactly like this ofc but similar types of sacrifices??) are so common in any type of environment where there's an element of fame or success involved. Like sometimes finding that success does require sacrifices. And there are those who are willing to accept those sacrifices and those that aren't, and they both lead to vastly different paths.

The whole vibe and style and aesthetics of this was just fantastic. HAVE I MENTIONED LITERALLY HOW POLISHED IT FEELS??? Guhh. Also the parts with the Devil and the memories and then the Devil IN THE MEMORIES MAKING SNARKY COMMENTS kind of sent me a bit. It was a really clever way to handle those scenes in a way that felt quite surreal and ominous. AND ALSO I CAN'T HELP BUT WONDER IF THERE'S LIKE... SOME OTHER KIND OF UNDERLYING THING GOING ON HERE?? Like to just be offered this choice by the Devil who is a fan. It really got my brain cogs cogging thinking about like, underlying reasoning we don't know about to further explain everything that's happening jkjfads which just adds to kind of that lingering ominous feeling.

Sob at any rate I enjoyed this so much!! A fantastic character piece with a big choice, fun character designs, beautiful writing, and a killer aesthetic. AND ALL CREATED IN JUST 4 DAYS MY GODDDDDD.


SAJKSJ CARROT THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENT!!! Were all so delighted by your kind words, thank you so much for playing and we're so happy you had a fun time!!!!!!! Everyone worked so hard for this game we appreciate it so much <3