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Wow, this is a nice entry! I was impressed by the character/enemy design and the animations. They have so much character! The controls felt pretty good, too! The boss fight was simple but quite good and satisfying! It's not the most polished entry I've seen, but it was still quite enjoyable. I think that if you had been able to put more effort into the level design, things like music and sound, and increased the length, it would have been a contender. There's a lot of potential here.

FYI next time you do one of these jams do whatever you can to get a web build made. You'll get much more people playing your game that way. 

Keep up the good work!


Thanks! I appreciate the feedback, if i had a bit more time i think i would've been able to tackle most of it but hey, i learned a lot and know what to do for next time! Also i tried building a web build also and i just got numerous errors and i had no idea why so thats something i have to figure out eventually. 

I'm with you on the web build challenges. My team got one up but there's a bad audio glitch with it... hard to get it right sometimes.